Sure Look Media, established in 2019 by Isaac Burke, is a result of his deep-rooted connection to camera tech and expertise, inherited from his mother of Amanda Burke Photography.

Isaac found a passion for photography and creating skateboarding videos in his teenage years and inevitably began a video production company that strives to inspire people through film.

Isaac's journey has taken him across the globe, from the lush jungles of Brazil to the ancient cities of Europe and even across the sweeping plains of Africa. His companion throughout these travels... his camera.

Isaac's goal is to not only document his surroundings but also to unearth the stories of the people he encounters.

"I Bring my camera with me on all my travels, I want to document everything, hear peoples story and inspire viewers to live a fuller life and do something that will benefit the world around them".

Sure Look Media has worked on music videos for the well known Irish band The Blizzards, films that have reached The Galway Film Festival and International Humanitarian documentaries in Africa that are still under works.

Isaac, alongside Sure Look Media are always striving to learn more, experience more and reach new heights in their filmmaking journey.

As you can see, we’re passionate about stories!